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Ancient Serpentine Smoking Pipe (pipe41)
5 Neolithic Balls (bill112)
Ancient Terracotta Spindle Whorl Bead (p8)
Medieval Agate Pendant (agate214)
Neolithic Jasper Bead (pnj147)
Neolithic Agate Bead (mipna477)
Neolithic Serpentine Hair Bead (sbos29)
Medieval Agate Bead (mipma1)
Medieval Agate Bead (paa21)
13 Neolithic Quartz Pendants (mippnq267)
Neolithic Diorite Bead (pnd10)
Neolithic Feldspar Pendant (mippnf4)
Medieval Agate Bead (paa31)
Ancient Kiffa Bead (mavk81)
Ancient Agate Bead (mipaio108)
Ancient Kiffa Pendant (mavk66)
17 Neolithic Amazonite Beads (mipnam297)
Neolithic Agate Pendant (ppna30)
Medieval Agate Bead (paa3)
9 Neolithic Balls (bill101)
Ancient Agate Pendant (mipaio101)
Neolithic Shell Button (sfibc21)
Neolithic Quartz Pendant (mippnq252)
Neolithic Jasper Hair Bead (sboj13)
13 Neolithic Quartz Beads (mipnq314)
Ancient Agate Bead (mipaio99)
21 Neolithic Jasper Beads (mipnj277)
Neolithic Feldspar Beads (mipnf8)
Neolithic Sedimentary Limestone Bead (pnaut5)
Neolithic Quartz Pendant (ppnq20)
Ancient bohemia Glass Bead (mavb84)
Neolithic Jasper Spindle Whorl Bead (fusa105)
Kiffa Glass Pendant (mavk52)
Ancient Agate Bead (mipaio77)
Neolithic Granodiorite Bead (rpndgr4)
Neolithic Shell Button (sfibc11)
Neolithic Serpentine Hair Bead (bo57)
Neolithic Shell Bead (pncoq19)
Neolithic Shell Bead (pncoq7)
Ancient Venitian Bead (mavv147)
Neolithic Jasper Pendant (mippnj96)
13 Neolithic Quartz Pendants (mippnq266)
7 Neolithic Carnelian Beads (mipnc79)
Neolithic Granite Bead (pnaut4)
Neolithic Diorite Bead (pnd19)
Medieval Calcite Bead (mipmca9)
Neolithic Sedimentary Marly Chalk Pendant (tichitt20)
Medieval Terracotta Spindle Whorl Bead (p1)
Neolithic Agate Bead (mipna509)
Neolithic Sedimentary Sandstone Pendant Engraved (rppnsg1)
Ancient Shell Bead (pacoq34)
Neolithic Agate Bead (pna12)
Ancient Marly Chalk Smoking Pipe (pipe16)
Neolithic Gabbro Bead (rpngag7)
Ancient Silver Pendant (bronz89)
185 Medieval Nila Glass Beads (mavn36)
Medieval Terracotta Spindle Whorl Bead (p11)
Neolithic Carnelian Bead (pnc18)
Medieval Agate Bead (paa1)
Ancient Venitian Bead (mavv121)
Neolithic Agate Bead (mipna394)
Neolithic Agate Pendant (ppna26)
Ancient Terracotta Spindle Whorl Bead (p35)
11 Neolithic Quartz Pendants (mippnq269)
Neolithic Jasper Bead (mipnj245)
Neolithic Agate Bead (mipna429)
Neolithic Jasper Hair Bead (sboj8)
Neolithic Syenite Bead (pnaut2)
9 Neolithic Quartz Pendants (mippnq276)
Neolithic Jasper Beads (pncord6)
Ancient Agate Bead (mipaio115)
90 Ancient Glass Beads (pacorde1)
6 Neolithic Balls (sbill118)
11 Neolithic Quartz Beads (mipnq325)
13 Ancient Bronze Beads (br17)
Neolithic Jasper Hair Bead (sboj22)
9 Neolithic Balls (bill102)
Ancient bohemia Glass Bead (mavb83)
Neolithic Quartzite Fibula Bead (sfibrm1)
Neolithic Terracotta Bead (matcn22)
Neolithic Jasper Button (sfibrm13)
131 Neolithic Jasper Beads (mipnj93)
7 Neolithic Calcite Beads (mipnca42)
Neolithic Jasper Pendant (mippnj99)
5 Neolithic Diorite Beads (rpnd68)
Ancient Venitian Bead (mavv105)
7 Neolithic Balls (sbill119)
Ancient Serpentine Smoking Pipe (pipe39)
Neolithic Agate Bola (sbola31)
Neolithic Carnelian Bead (mipnc75)
Ancient Venitian Bead (mavv75)
Neolithic Serpentine Pendant (mippnse36)
Neolithic Amazonite Bead (mipnam293)
9 Neolithic Quartz Beads (mipnq323)
Neolithic Agate Bead (mipna398)
Neolithic Quartz Bola (sbola26)
Ancient Marly Chalk Smoking Pipe (pipe33)
Medieval Quartz Bead (mipmq11)
Neolithic Agate Bead (pna23)
Medieval Bronze Earring (sbob6)
15 Neolithic Jasper Beads (mipnj263)
14 Neolithic Jasper Beads (mipnj274)
7 Neolithic Jasper Beads (mipnj275)
5 Neolithic Jasper Beads (mipnj260)
10 Neolithic Serpentine Beads (mipnse418)
5 Neolithic Serpentine Beads (mipnse423)
5 Neolithic Serpentine Beads (mipnse425)
11 Neolithic Jasper Beads (mipnj261)
Neolithic Agate Pendant (ppna31)
Medieval Roman Glass Bead (mavr78)
Neolithic Jasper Pendant (mippnj95)
Neolithic Metamorphic Marble Bead (pnautre8)
Neolithic Agate Pendant (ppna2)
Ancient Bead & Caps Amber & Bronze (bc3)
Neolithic Haematoid Quartz Pendant (ppnq96)
Neolithic Tuf Bola (sbola25)
Neolithic Sedimentary Sandstone Pendant Engraved (rppnsg2)
Medieval Bronze Bell (br16)
Ancient bohemia Bead (mavb88)
Big Neolithic Serpentine Bead (mipnse270)
Medieval Bronze Earring (sbob1)
Medieval Roman Glass Bead (mavr73)
Ancient Agate Bead (paio57)
Neolithic Quartz Pendant (ppnq138)
Ancient bohemia Glass Pendant (mavb101)
Neolithic Agate Bead (mipna475)
Medieval Roman Glass Bead (mavr62)
Neolithic Hessonite Garnet Bead (mipngr3)
Ancient Sandstone Smoking Pipe (pipe36)
Neolithic Jasper Bola (sbola27)
Medieval Jasper Pendant (ppmj1)
Neolithic Serpentine Bead (serpen366)
5 Neolithic Amazonite Beads (mipnam281)
Neolithic Agate Bead (mipna412)
5 Neolithic Gabbro Beads (rpngag12)
11 Neolithic Quartz Pendants (mippnq263)
Medieval Roman Glass Bead (mavr61)
Neolithic Agate Bead (mipna358)